Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rochelle's Surprise Birthday Party @ her house and Eastwood - Sept. 24, 2011

The barkada planned a surprise birthday party for her 30th birthday celebration. We each bough a food assigned to us and then we connived with her brother and mom to make her go somewhere or run an errand so that she won't be home when we go to her house and set up the whole place for the surprise party.

We hid in the hallway from her room and wait until she got home. We hid there with her two nieces and waited patiently. She got home and asked what happened, where are we because the place is already set up including the banner and the food. Her mother said that we already left because she's so late coming home. Then we shouted "Surprise!" and came out from our hiding place.

After we ate the food and sang from the magic sing videoke and some chit chat we went to Eastwood City, Libis, Quezon City where we take a look around the bazaar and some picture taking. After that we take a sip of our favorite milk tea at Serenitea. What a celebration!

The cake...
The sumptous food...
The birthday celebrant opening her gifts...
Singing our heart out with magic sing...
At Eastwood...
One of the live manequins at Eastwood...
My milk tea at Serenitea...

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